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Japan Welcomes the PM Industry at WORLD PM2024

The global PM industry was in full force as individuals from 27 countries visited the WORLD PM2024 Congress in Yokohama, Japan, to “Make a better world with PM.” The biennial World Congress included presentations on the latest PM technologies, suppliers introducing cutting edge products and services, and networking events to welcome the international community.

Organized by the Japan Powder Metallurgy Association (JPMA) and Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy (JSPM), representatives from the 3 major PM associations addressed the delegates. The Global Review featured Chiu-Lung Chu, Asian Powder Metallurgy Association (APMA), Ralf Carlström, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), and Michael Stucky, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) providing insight into different regions of the world.

MPIF will host the next World Congress, WorldPM2026, June 25-29, 2026, in Montreal, Canada.

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