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MPIF & APMI Award-Winning Papers Announced

MPIF Outstanding Technical Paper

The 2018 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award has been selected from among the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the POWDERMET2018 conference in San Antonio. The manuscripts are critically evaluated by the MPIF Technical Board. This year’s winning paper is "Monitoring of Powder Homogeneity During Double-Cone Blending" by Alex Wartenberg, Sierra Mirtes, and Chris Schade, Hoeganaes Corporation, and Sarah Ackermann, C-Therm Technologies Incorporated.

The authors will receive their award plaques during POWDERMET2019, June 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

The paper is published in the conference proceedings, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials–2018, which can be found by visiting the MPIF Publications portal. The paper itself is available on the Outstanding Technical Paper Award page on the MPIF site. 

The Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award (renamed in 2009), was established in 1993 to recognize authors of manuscripts for excellence in scientific and technical written communications from those papers presented and submitted for publication from the annual technical conference.

APMI Excellence in Metallography

Additionally, the Excellence in Metallography Award has also been chosen. APMI International selects a winning technical paper to recognize individuals responsible for excellence in the metallography used in scientific and technical written communications. This year’s winning paper is "Comparison of Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing to Press and Sinter 316L Stainless Steel" by Alexander Zwiren, Thomas F. Murphy, GKN Hoeganaes. You can view the winning paper on the APMI International website.

For more details on the Industry Awards Luncheon and POWDERMET2019, visit POWDERMET2019.org.

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