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Student Conference Grant Program Expands

2018 NSF StudentsStudent attendance at POWDERMET2019, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, and AMPM2019, Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy, could be at an all-time high this year thanks to several grant programs. In total, 75 grants have been awarded to students from colleges and universities from across the country. Students will have a technical poster on display at the conference and present a 10-minute synopsis during a Grant TNT: Talk ‘N Technology session.

For the third year in a row, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is providing 40 grants to students from U.S. colleges and universities. Students attending the conference will have full access to POWDERMET2019 and AMPM2019 technical sessions, the exhibit, luncheons, and evening events to provide ample time for this next generation of engineers to network with industry professionals. This program has been extremely well received by the PM industry and academia.

The MPIF Student Grant Program developed this year as a result of the NSF Student Grant Program’s overwhelming number of applications. One of the primary missions of the Federation is to advance the PM industry, and these students are potential industry champions. Rather than miss the opportunity to showcase PM to these additional NSF Grant applicants, MPIF’s Board of Governors decided to create a program to allow more students to attend the conference. This year, 31 grants have been awarded. All MPIF Student Grant winners will receive similar benefits and participate at the conference with a poster and presentation.

Finally, the CPMT/Axel Madsen Grant Program has been awarding conference grants since 1990. This year the four students selected are Nick Gosse and Ryan Ley, Dalhousie University; and Maude Tremblay and William Bouchard, Laval University. These students join a prestigious group of grant winners who have historically resulted in PM career veterans and heads of PM companies.

2019 National Science Foundation Grant Winning Students

Name University Name University
Erin Hager Air Force Institute of Technology Linsea Paradis Pennsylvania State University - DuBois Campus
David Newell Air Force Institute of Technology Bernard Rauckhorse Pennsylvania State University - DuBois Campus
Paul Swartz California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Brian Kellee Pennsylvania State University - State College
Hajime Yamanaka California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Lynnora Grane Rice University
Antonio Magana-Ceballos California State University Los Angeles Nick Palsgaarde Sacramento State
Srujana Rao Yarasi Carnegie Mellon University Yash Parike Yash Parike
Benjamin Smith Clemson University Cameron Crooe University of California, Irvine
Alec Saville Colorado School of Mines Olivia Brande University of California, Riverside
Katrina Johnston Drexel University Madelyn Madrigal Camacho University of California, Riverside
Kathryn Small Drexel University Heather Salvadoe University of California, Riverside
Xuehui Yang Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Anqi Ye University of California, Riverside
Bonggu Kim Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Bryson Cliffore University of Louisville
Emily Rinko Iowa State University Jie Ree University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rebecca Whitesell Iowa State University Jessica Schilte University of Notre Dame
Michael Pires Lehigh University Sabina Kumae University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Samuel Brennan Millersville University Natalie Wiebee University of Tennessee, Knoxville
John Ruprecht Minnesota State University Mankato Jaime Varele University of Texas at El Paso
Prakash Gautam Montana Technological University Wyatt McNeile University of Utah
Rina Mudanyi North Carolina A&T State University Marty Simmone University of Utah
Matthew White North Carolina State Univeristy Jose Avile Washington State University

MPIF is grateful to the National Science Foundation for its support of students to attend the POWDERMET2019 & AMPM2019 annual conferences. This support provides student participants with opportunities to exchange ideas with leading researchers and engineers from worldwide industrial and governmental facilities, as well as with students and faculty from both domestic and international universities. Student participants will learn the latest research areas and results in powder metallurgy fields of interest. These opportunities will not only improve the students’ knowledge in the field, but also develop scientists and engineers who are ideally suited to create the next generation of designs in powder metallurgy and metal additive manufacturing that will push materials and manufacturing capabilities.

2019 MPIF Grant Winning Students

Name University Name University
Eugene Chiang California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Andrew Iams Pennsylvania State University - State College
Jakub (Kuba) Preis California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Joseph Carazzone Rice University
Andrew Yap California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Evander Ramos University of California, Riverside
Andrew Kitahara Carnegie Mellon University Erik Sease University of California, Riverside
Caleb Andrews Drexel University Alexander Gupta University of Louisville
Anvesh Dhulipalla Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Victor Papyshev University of Louisville
Tejesh Dube Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Mohammad Qasim Abdul Jabbar Shaikh University of Louisville
Abhilash Gulhane Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Kavish Sudan University of Louisville
Jian Zhang Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Ty Austin University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Charles Czahor Iowa State University Dustin Gilmer University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Fynn Reinbacher Iowa State University Chris Shafer University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Bartlomiej Bancewicz Lehigh University Munro Alley University of Utah
Prithwish Tarafder North Carolina State University Collin Andersen University of Utah
Mouda Tung North Carolina State University Kellen Traxel Washington State University
Andrew Serafini Pennsylvania State University - DuBois Campus Yanning Zhang Washington State University
Nicholas Carrier Pennsylvania State University - State College

Visit POWDERMET2019.org and AMPM2019.org to learn more about the co-located conferences and events.

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