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Call for Papers: Three Conferences Sintered into One Global Event

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The World Congress on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials (WorldPM2020) only happens every six years in North America. This global event brings together global powder metallurgy (PM) leaders for three conferences sintered into one global event in Montreal, Canada, June 27–July 1, 2020

A Call for Papers has been announced for all three conferences.


WorldPM2020 is the only global conference on powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials and a hub for technology transfer for professionals from every part of the industry, including buyers and specifiers of: metal powders, tooling and compacting presses, sintering furnaces, furnace belts, powder handling and blending equipment, quality control and automation equipment, particle-size and powder-characterization equipment, consulting and research services, and much more. WorldPM2020 is currently seeking abstracts for technical papers and posters. Visit WorldPM2020.org for details.

AMPM2020 logo

The Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference (AMPM2020) brings together global experts presenting the latest developments in the fast-growing field of metal additive manufacturing (AM). The latest technical advances in 3D printing materials, processes, and applications will be showcased. AMPM2020 is currently seeking abstracts for technical papers and posters. Visit AMPM2020.org for details.

Tungsten2020 logo

Generally held every three years, it has been six years since the last International Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference (Tungsten2020) has been held. Tungsten2020 addresses recent developments in the tungsten, refractory, and hardmaterials field encompassing processing, microstructure, properties, and applications. Tungsten2020 is currently seeking abstracts for technical papers. Visit Tungsten2020.org for details.

The abstract deadline is November 15, 2019. Submit your abstract today!

What Is Special About WorldPM2020?

The World Congress is held every two years and rotates between North America, Europe, and Asia. It will not be held in North American again until 2026. WorldPM2020 is an enhanced version of the annual co-located POWDERMET and AMPM conferences sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation and APMI International. In addition to the presence of a third conference exploring tungsten, refractory, and hardmaterials (Tungsten2020), there is an entire extra day of technical programming, additional networking events, and more time to explore an even larger than usual exhibit hall.

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