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AMPM2020 Call for Papers & Posters

AMPM2020 LogoAn official call for papers and posters has been announced for the conference AMPM2020, Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy, to be held June 27–July 1, 2020, in Montréal , Canada. This leading North American metal additive manufacturing (AM) conference will take place at the beautiful Palais des Congrès de Montréal in the Old Montréal district. Manuscripts are required, and qualified manuscripts will be eligible for the Metal Additive Manufacturing Outstanding Technical Paper Award.

Topics include:

  • Modeling of Materials, Components & Processes
  • Component Design
  • Particulate Production
  • Build Processes
  • Sintering
  • Post-Build Operations
  • Materials
  • Materials Properties
  • Applications
  • Management Issues

“Metal additive manufacturing has returned the powder metallurgy industry to the technology spotlight and refueled interest in our robust industries,” stated Joseph Strauss, FAPMI. “The depth of the research presented at AMPM conferences aids in advancing the entire industry.”

The abstract submission deadline is November 15, 2019. Visit AMPM2020.org for details.

AMPM2020 is co-located with two unique conference, which presents an educational and networking opportunity like no other. AMPM2020 attendees will be able to attend technical sessions and events for all three conferences.


WorldPM2020, the World Congress on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, is the only global conference on PM and particulate materials and a hub for technology transfer for professionals from every part of the industry. WorldPM2020 is current seeking abstracts for technical papers and posters. Visit WorldPM2020.org for details.


Generally held every three years, it has been six years since the last International Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference (Tungsten2020) has been held. Tungsten2020 addresses recent developments in the tungsten, refractory, and hardmaterials field encompassing processing, microstructure, properties, and applications. Tungsten2020 is currently seeking abstracts for technical papers. Visit Tungsten2020.org for details.

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