Guide to PM Microstructures Website Updated
The MPIF comprehensive website of PM microstructures was recently updated to make the user experience more enjoyable. Several new materials were added including 300 and 400 series stainless steel alloys.

Aimed to assist PM parts manufacturers and the end user community to interpret PM microstructures, it definitely builds an appreciation for what a powerful tool metallography can be when:
- engineering new components
- designing new materials
- solving various types of quality problems
- utilized as a most effective means for quality control
The user will be able to reference materials processed by conventional sintering; elevated temperature sintering; accelerated cooling rates; etc. to determine phase and structures of the materials. Specimen preparation and proper selection of etchants is also covered.
This incredible resource could not have been made possible without the commitment of Hoeganaes Corporation, North American Höganäs Co., Rio Tinto Metal Powders, and Powder-Tech Associates Inc., who volunteered an extraordinary amount of time and resources to prepare the photomicrographs and ensure the quality of the images.
Click here to try this new reference.