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APMI West Penn Chapter holds November Meeting

Listed from left to right: Neal Kraus, Hoeganaes Corporation; Tyler Cuneo, APMI West Penn Chairman; Brent Matheson, APMI West Penn Treasurer; Sean Rupprecht, APMI West Penn Secretary; Steve Reed, APMI West Penn Vice Chairman

The West Penn Chapter of the APMI International held their monthly meeting at The Dam Inn, attended by 90 industry professionals and sponsored by Hoeganaes Corporation.

Our speaker for the evening’s technical presentation, Neal Kraus, informed our guests of the FSLA alloy that was designed and implemented for use with binder jet printing. This work focuses on various heat treatments that can be utilized with the alloy to produce a range of properties for various applications.

Thank you to all those who attended and to our sponsor for their support

The next meeting will be held on January 12th. Visit the “NEWS AND EVENTS” tab at apmiinternational.org  for complete details and registration information.

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