Annual MIM Event Continues to Deliver
MIM2023, the International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics, and Carbides, concluded earlier this month. Held in Costa Mesa, California, the specialized hybrid conference attracted over 135 delegates, representing over 75 companies from 13 countries.

The conference kicked off with a Keynote presentation on Industry 4.2 by Dr. Diran Apelian, University of California, Irvine. The presentation described what “smart factories” will look like and how connected supply chains will work, including the need for sustainable materials, advanced manufacturing, and how corporations will need to pivot from focusing on capital and capitalism, to investment in procuring and retaining talent.
The Keynote presentation was followed by 27 technical presentations. Additionally, 20 companies showcased their products and services during a tabletop exhibit, with many of the exhibitors showcasing the latest developments during the Technological Process & Product Innovations presentations.
The Metal Injection Molding Association (MIMA) provided 6 students with grants to attend the conference. Not only were the grant recipients given the opportunity to hear cutting-edge presentations, make connections with professionals in the field, and gain exposure to the MIM industry, but each provided a presentation on work at their universities.
This year’s grant recipients included:
- Hong Wank, Université de Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST institute, France
- Jin Wook Park, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea
- Julio Izquierdo, University of Louisville, United States
- Marina Valero, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
- Sihan Zhang, University of Louisville, United States
- Vahid Momeni, Institute of Polymer Processing of the Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria

MIM2023 delegates network during tour of ARBURG Technology Center; attentive students during the PIM Tutorial; and sharing of knowledge during the technical sessions.