MPIF President Rodney Brennen, Metco Industries, Inc., provides the State of the North American PM Industry report at the WorldPM2022 Congress.
After 4 long years, the global PM community was able to meet at the WorldPM2022 Congress in Lyon, France. Organized by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), the World Congress attracted over 1,000 professionals from 56 countries. Delegates were pleased to have their first face-to-face World Congress since WorldPM2018 in Beijing. The MPIF WorldPM2020 was cancelled dues to the COVID-19 pandemic. WorldPM2024, October 14-17, 2024, in Yokohama, Japan, will be organized by the Asian Powder Metallurgy Association (APMA) and Japan Powder Metallurgy Association (JPMA).