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APMI West Penn Chapter holds October Meeting

Listed from left to right: Nick Skok, Gasbarre Automation Solutions; Tyler Cuneo, APMI West Penn Chairman; Sean Rupprecht, APMI West Penn Secretary; Brent Matheson, APMI West Penn Treasurer; Steve Reed, APMI West Penn Vice Chairman

The West Penn Chapter of the APMI International held their monthly meeting at The Royal Inn, attended by 101 industry professionals and sponsored by Gasbarre Automation Solutions.

Researchers Share 3D-Printing of 17-4 PH Stainless Steels

A microscopic image of 3D-printed 17-4 stainless steel. The colors in the left-side version of the image represent the differing orientations of crystals within the alloy. 

For airliners, cargo ships, nuclear power plants and other critical technologies, strength and durability are essential. Therefore, many contain a remarkably strong and corrosion-resistant alloy called 17-4 precipitation hardening (PH) stainless steel. A team of researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Argonne National Laboratory has identified particular 17-4 steel compositions that, when printed, match the properties of the conventionally manufactured version. The researchers’ strategy is based on high-speed data about the printing process they obtained using high-energy X-rays from a particle accelerator. 

2022 Metal AM Outstanding Technical Paper Award

The 2022 Metal AM Outstanding Technical Paper Award has been selected, and this year's winning paper is "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of FSLA Steel Produced by the Binder Jet Process” by Chris Schade, Tom Murphy, and Kerri Horvay, Hoeganaes Corporation. The paper was selected from among the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the AMPM2022 conference in Portland and critically evaluated for the prestigious award.

Boeing Launches Two Hypersonics Challenge Projects with LIFT, DOD

LIFT, the Detroit, Michigan-based Department of Defense manufacturing innovation institute, along with the Department of Defense (DOD), have launched two projects led by Boeing as part of the ongoing Hypersonics Challenge led by the institute, focusing on powder metallurgy refractory metal matrix composites and in-situ monitoring development for hypersonic systems.

PM Flashback

Volume 1, No. 7 - September 1972


Fire and Market Conditions Force Closing of Domtar Ridgway Plant 
Alcoa Buys APM From Barden
NCR Forms New Division -Seeks Outside Work
Monroe Expands P/M In-Plant Manufacturing
Valley Met Closes Essex Plant
Particulate Materials Patent Granted
Allis Tool Acquires Sonic Sifter Business from AlIen-Bradley
Patent Awarded for Carbide Material with Special High-Temperature Properties
Sintering Time Available
MPIF/APMI Officials Meet
APMI Launches Incentive Membership Campaign
New Employment Service for APMl'ers
P/M ’73 Exhibition
Canadian P/M '73 Sub-Committee Appointments
MPIF Fall Management Conference Program
P/M Journal Offers Special Advertising Opportunities
SME Powder Compacting Conference On November 14-15
People in the News
APMI Section News
P/M Part-of-the-Month


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