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PM Flashback

Volume 2, No. 5, July/August 1973


Hoeganaes Ups Capacity in U.S. & Sweden 
GIidden Expands Johnstown Metals Operation  
U.S. Steel Develops New Process
Metallurgical International Expands
Warner Electric Buys Metal Sintering Corporation
Drever Acquired by Superior Tube
Gleason Announces Further Details on P/M Forming System
ASTM Committee B-9 Meetings Announced
Technical Conference October 23-25
APMI Sponsors Portugal Trip
P/M '73 A Success
P/M '73 Keynote Address
Part-of-the-Year Design Competition Winners
Haller Receives Industry Pioneer Award
People in the News

Höganäs Announces Divestment of Digital Metal to Markforged

Höganäs has announced that it has signed an agreement to divest Digital Metal, a binder-jetting additive manufacturing (AM) technology producer, to Markforged, Watertown, Massachusetts.

The divestment is in line with Höganäs’ strategy to further focus and increase activities within the metal powder side of AM. The divestment will strengthen Höganäs’ position for increased investments and acquisitions in the AM metal powder space.

The addition of Digital Metal furthers Markforged’s strategy to solve manufacturing challenges for industrial customers at the point of need, extending Markforged’s capabilities into high-throughput production of metal additive parts.


APMI Golf Touornament

APMI International held its 16th annual Golf Tournament Sunday June 12th at the Glendoveer Golf Course in Portland, Oregon. The Tournament was supported by numerous industry sponsors who recognize the value of supporting APMI. The golf award winners were Kylan McQuaig for the Longest Drive and Jon Hood for Closest to Pin. The tournament champions with a score of 65 were Kylan McQuaig, Logan Smith, Jerry Falleur, and Matt Liptak.  Congratulations to the winners and all who made the tournament a success!

PM Flashback

Volume 10, Mo. 5, July 1981


Universal-Cyclops Expands CAP P/M Process 
Hoeganaes Sales and Earnings Decline 
Drever Teams Up with Talmage 
Tungsten Sales Company Names Management Group 
Lab Balance Suitable for P/M Use 
New Compacting Press 
Powder Blending Information 
Wear Resistant Products and Services 

Federation Plans Fall Management Conference 
MPIF Energy Committee Formed 
Sintering Seminar Scheduled for Chicago 
Call for Papers -1982 National P/M Conference 
AIME to Sponsor Aluminum P/M Session 
Call for Papers-1982 SAE Congress 
P/M '82 Abstract Deadline Extended 
P/M Related Patents 


Portland Welcomes the PM Industry


The true excitement of PowderMet2022 and AMPM2022 showed on the smiling faces of the delegates, many of whom haven’t seen their industry colleagues in 3 years. Delegates were greeted by The Royal Rosarians, the Official Greeters and Ambassadors of Goodwill for the City of Portland, and The Beat Goes On, an eclectic marching band, at the Opening Reception. From the exhibitors, featuring the latest PM, MIM, and metal AM equipment, powders, products, and services, to the speakers, sharing their most recent research and development activities, there was something for everyone in Portland. Although international delegate registrations were down, primarily due to lingering COVID-19 concerns and inflated airfares, 20 countries were represented by dedicated PM professionals.


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