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MPIF 2022 Design Excellence Winners Announced

The winners in the 2022 Powder Metallurgy (PM) Design Excellence Awards competition, sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), showcase outstanding examples of PM’s unique ability to challenge competing technologies. From lightweighting to complex geometries, provides component designers with the ability to utilize advanced engineering methods that add up to part-to-part uniformity for improved product quality; shape and material flexibility; application versatility, and more.

The PM World to Meet in Lyon

The World PM2022 Congress & Exhibition, organized and sponsored by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), will be held October 9-13, 2022, in Lyon, France. It will feature a technical program and exhibition showcasing the latest developments from the global PM supply chain.

This World Congress will attract industry leaders from academia and PM companies from across the supply chain. It will provide excellent networking opportunities within the PM industry.

PM Flashback

Volume 24, No. 4, - June 1995


Latest Developments Aired in Seattle
State of the P/M Industry
Distinguished Service to P/M Awards
Major Expansion at Hoeganaes
QMP Expands
Blount MIM Operation Sold
Asbury Marks 100th Anniversary
Federal-Mogul P/M Division Sale Completed
Nanodyne Receives Cash Infusion
Army Awards Contract to Develop MIM Powders
Goetze and TecSyn Join Forces
Outstanding P/M Parts
Metallography Competition Winners
International PIM Symposium
Sign Ip for Magnetics Materials Seminar
Hard Materials Conference 
Publication News
People in the News

White House announces Additive Manufacturing Forward

President Biden and his Administration have launched Additive Manufacturing Forward.

Part of the Bipartisan Innovation Act, AM Forward is expected to improve the competitiveness of America’s small and medium enterprise (SME) manufacturers; creating and sustaining high-paying manufacturing jobs; and improving supply chain resilience through adoption of additive manufacturing.

Several large, iconic American manufacturers have made a voluntary pact to support their U.S.-based SME suppliers’ adoption of AM.

MIT Unveils Grain Size Study for Stronger Metals

There are many ways to create metals in shapes needed for different purposes. However, these processes affect the sizes and shapes of the tiny crystalline grains that make up the bulk metal. A new Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study determines what happens as these crystal grains form during an extreme deformation process, down to a few nanometers across at the tiniest scales.


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