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2021 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award

The 2021 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award has been selected, and this year's winning paper is "Mix Solution for High Green-Strength and Green Machining" by Amber Tims, Roland Warzel, Bo Hu, North American Höganäs and Per Knutsson, Asa Ahlin, Angelica Hansen, Höganäs AB. The paper was selected from among the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the PowderMet2021 conference in Orlando and critically evaluated for the prestigious award.


The leading American technical conferences on powder metallurgy (PM) and metal additive manufacturing (AM) will be held June 12-15, 2022, at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. 

PM Compaction/Tooling Seminar Concludes


It was another successful year for the PM Parts Compacting/Tooling Seminar. The seminar, held about every other year, dates to 1989 and continues to educate a variety of people throughout the industry, mainly catering to powder metallurgy parts and product fabricators.

PM Flashback

Volume 8, No. 7, September 1979


Dramatic Increase for Metal Powder Sales
Hoeganaes Converts to Landfill Methane Gas.
Domfer Begins Expansion Program
Pyron Sales Up
Glidden Metals to Build New Powder Plant 
Mannesmann Demag Relocates New York Office 
New Method for Removing Inclusions from Metal Powders 
Rapidly Solidified Metals Available as Powders 
Porous Materials, Inc., Develops Mercury Intrusion Porosimeters
M/P Services Expands Production Line 
Manufacturing Productivity Studied by Battelle's New Research Section 
APM Receives Vendor Award from Xerox 
Conaway Buys HIP Technology from Battelle
People In The News

Oxygen And Metal Powder Extracted from Moonrocks

Moon  ©NASA

British engineers who are perfecting a technique for transforming moondust into oxygen have made a breakthrough that could shape the future of space exploration. Using specially designed pilot reactors, engineers have successfully extracted air from simulated moonrock, leaving behind kilos of metal powder that could one day be used to build lunar habitats. This is the first time the by-product has been produced in these quantities.



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