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Global Powder Metallurgy Property Database Updated

Data retrieval from the Global Powder Metallurgy Property Database (GPMD) is faster than ever, thanks to a move to a cloud-based platform.  Data for hundreds of PM material grades, from thousands of tests collected from a wide range of sources, is available from this open-access database.   The database is fully searchable, and outputs can be exported to several recognized FEA software packages. The data is displayed in a user-friendly format viewable in both tabular and graphic formats.  The data will be of particular interest to design engineers in a range of industries.


Still Time to Register for the MIM2021 Virtual Conference

 The program for the virtual MIM2021: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides, the only international powder and metal injection molding conference of the year, will feature two keynote presentations. MIM2021 will attract a global audience, showcasing the latest advances in this dynamic technology. The virtual conference will take place February 22-25, 2021, and presentations will be available on demand through March 5. For registration and additional details, please visit MIM2021.org.  

Keynote Presentations Include:
•    Design for Manufacturability - Quality, Innovation and Value, Metal Working for Surgical Instruments by Steve Santoro, Executive Vice President, MICRO, a contract manufacturing organization servicing the medical device industry.
•    Cobra Golf Applications for MIM and Metal Additive Manufactured Components by Bryce Hobbs, Mike McDonnell, and Ryan Roach,  Cobra Golf, a sports equipment manufacturing company focused on golf equipment, producing a wide range of golf clubs.

PM Flashback

Volume 23, No. 2, February/March 1994


Toronto Conference Attracting International Audience
Successful P/M Trade Mission
DuPont Sells Arkansas P/M Operation
Penn Press Introduces High Performance Process
Megamet Awarded MIM Patent
ISO Registration
PMI Ceases Publication
Specialty Metal Powder Study
Hoeganaes Increases Production Capacity
Alcan to Distribute Graphite
New Sieve Shaker
Gas Atomizer Installed at CERAM
PM2TEC’94 Exhibition
Reports on Canadian Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials Trade Mission
Compacting/Tooling and High Density Seminars
Round Table on World Automotive Marketplace
P/M World Congress Program Announced
Section News
People in the News

International Powder Metallurgy Conference Launched as a Hybrid Event

The 2021 North American conference on powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials, will be offered in a hybrid format, with delegates electing to be in-person or presenting or attending virtually.  PowderMet2021 will feature over 200 technical presentations from worldwide industry experts presenting on PM, particulate materials, metal additive manufacturing (AM), and tungsten at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida, June 20–23, 2021. Review the program at PowderMet2021.org


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