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PM Flashback

Volume 13, No. 10, November-December 1984


Iron Powder Industry Astir in Canada
Merriman Separates from Litton
Maytag Moves P/M Operation
Colt Wins Patent Battle
Super Secret Massive Moly Billets
P/M Forging Developments
Cabot Licenses Injection Molding Process
Forecasting Service Bearish on Tungsten
National Carbide Die Broadens Tooling Capacity
New Consulting Company
Surface Area Analyzer 
High and Full Density Short Course 
Golden Gate Metals and Welding Conference 
Houston Materials Conference

America Makes Announces Awardees of Funding for Three Project Calls

America Makes, Youngstown, Ohio, USA, has announced the awardees of three project calls worth $2.23 million in total funding from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing and Industrial Base Technology Division and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering OUSD(R&E).  

The projects, which were announced in July, aim to accelerate the adoption of Additive Manufacturing and address the needs of the supply chain as identified in the America Makes and Department of Defense (DoD) Roadmaps.

3DEO Takes the Gold in 2020 LEAP Awards for Additive Manufacturing

Metal additive manufacturing technology company 3DEO, Los Angeles, California, has won a Gold Medal in Additive Manufacturing from Design World’s Leadership in Engineering Achievement Program (LEAP) Awards. More than a hundred entries were said to have been received for the annual competition, which showcases innovative and forward-thinking products serving the design engineering space.

Winners were chosen by an independent judging panel of fourteen engineering and academic professionals. On 3DEO’s winning technology, one of the judges commented, “To integrate the CNC milling into the process should really help 3D metal parts move from prototype to production.” The award recognized the company’s ability to scale metal AM to volumes which can compete with traditional manufacturing methods such as CNC machining and metal injection molding (MIM).

Erie Company Wins Air Force Manufacturing Olympics

Elementum 3D, a developer and supplier of metal additive manufacturing materials, earned first place at the inaugural U.S. Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Olympics.  The company won the event’s “Material Hurdles” technical challenge with its A7050-RAM2 high-strength aluminum alloy, beating eight other finalists.

Sixty-four teams participated in the competition, which was hosted by the USAF Rapid Sustainment Office. Each team completed five technical challenges judged by 25 experts from academia, the U.S. military, and aerospace and defense companies, the FAA, Ford and Amazon. Each team was required to accurately recreate 3D printed parts from an existing technical data package using innovative materials and techniques while demonstrating accuracy, skill, completeness, ease of use and speed of production.

Collaboration Program Advances Metal AM in South Korea

GE Additive reports that South Korean-based startup Hongworks is one of the first success stories as a result of the company’s collaboration agreement signed in October 2018, between GE Additive, the Korea Aerospace Industries Association (KAIA), Seoul, South Korea, and the Incheon Industry Academy Collaboration Institute (IIACI) located in Incheon, South Korea.

Hongworks utilized its mentorship from the collaborative program to form the start-up company and additively manufactured stainless steel vacuum ejectors (Courtesy GE Additive/Hongworks)

Since launching the initiative two years ago, the company states that GE Additive AddWorks engineering consulting team has been collaborating closely with the IIACI to show the potential of metal additive manufacturing (AM) to aerospace sector companies across South Korea.


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