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ORNL Combines 3D Printing and HIP to Create Large Metal Parts

As the demand for large-scale metal parts continues to rise across sectors such as clean energy, aerospace, and defense, the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is spearheading research, supported by the Metal Powder Industries Federation and the Electric Power Research Institute, to re-establish U.S. manufacturing dominance in this area. Through advancements in powder metallurgy-hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP), paired with additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, ORNL is offering what it considers a high-precision alternative to traditional casting and forging methods.

2024 Excellence in Metallography Award

The 2024 Excellence in Metallography Award has been selected, and this year's winning paper is "Impact Resistance of a Free Sintering Low Alloy Steel Produced by Powder Bed Fusion Using a Laser Beam”, by Thomas F. Murphy, FAPMI, Christopher T. Schade, FAPMI, & Kerri M. Horvay, Hoeganaes Corporation. The paper was selected from among the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the PowderMet2024/AMPM2024 conference in Pittsburgh and critically evaluated for the prestigious award. The paper is available for download on the APMI website. It is also included in Advances in Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy—2024 and published in the fall issue of the International Journal of Powder Metallurgy. The authors will be officially recognized during PowderMet2025 in Phoenix, Arizona, June 15–18, 2025.

Proceedings from PowderMet2024 & AMPM2024 Released

Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials and 10th annual conference on Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy, June 16-19, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have been released. The fully searchable PDF format preserves the technical papers’ original color in all figures.

Export of Metal AM Technologies to be Controlled

The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), a government agency responsible for export control and treaty compliance, has announced a new ruling regarding the export of advanced manufacturing technologies, specifically focusing on metal additive manufacturing equipment and software.


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